

Risultati immagini per syllables


More syllables

Syllables Factory 


Prefixes and Suffixes

Prefix Catcher

Prefix Catcher 2 

Match the Prefix to the meaning 

Suffixes Big Brown Bear 

Prefixes and Suffixes 

Suffixes -y and -ly 

Antonyms and Synonyms

Antonyms and Synonyms

Use the games below to help you study how we use the apostrophe to contract words.
Memory Match 
Fill It In 
Un-Fill It In 
Matching Game 



Billionaire Plural Nouns Game

Verb endings -ed -ing -s/es

Play these games to learn how to use these verb endings correctly

Comparative Adjectives
Play the games below to help you learn how to write comparative words correctly
R Controlled Vowels

  Sometimes when R is after a vowel in a word it will control that vowel and change the sound it makes. Use the games below to help you learn about these r controlled sounds.
Word Sorting 
Word Transformer 

Other Vowel Sounds

Play the games below to learn more about when we use these vowel sounds. 

 Build a Sandcastle

 au aw sound
Build a sandcastle with aw au words 
Buried Treasture aw au ew 

Long Vowel Sounds

To help you study and understand the different patterns of letters for the long vowels click on the games below.

Click on the links below to play different games to help you learn more about consonant digraphs and silent letters.

Easy Beginning digraphs 

Ending digraphs 

diagraphs and blends 

Beginning and End digraphs 

Don't let teddy fall silent -b words 

Silent Invaders 

-tch spelling word game
tch Asteroids 

wr- Asteroids

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